Monday, November 11, 2013

Nolan- 6 months

Weight: 20 pounds 6 ounces (91%)
Length: 27.3 inches (73%)


  • Learned how to roll from back to tummy!
  • Rediscovered how to roll tummy to back (he did it a lot when he was really little then stopped for a while)
  • Got his first 2 bottom teeth!


  • Peek-a-boo. This is still one of his favorite things
  • Looking at his reflection in the mirror
  • Roxy, he thinks every thing she does is the best! I don't think the feeling is reciprocated though. 
  • Blankets. I know he's not supposed to but, he naps with a blanket and gets a small blanket at night, it helps him go to sleep.
  • Diaper changes right before his naps
  • Sitting for long periods, he's rather be held standing up or rolling around