Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Nolan- 12 months!

Weight: 25 pounds
Length: 30 inches


  • Animals. Loves our dogs and any other animal he comes in contact with. 
  • Eating, little boy will eat all the time if you give him food!
  • Running around. That's right, this little boy is officially a walker and runner!
  • Being outside, he loves being out in the yard and exploring everything.
  • Swimming! The water in our pool has finally warmed up enough and he loves splashing in the water!
  • He's in this phase where he hates having his diaper changed, it takes forever to get through it now.
  • Being put down for a nap. He's tired but let's me know he's not happy about being in his crib. He's usually asleep within a few minutes though.
  • Green beans. He used to gobble them up but now has decided not like them anymore.

Well that's it! My baby is no longer a baby anymore! It's been fun to watch this last year and how much he's changed and grown. I can't wait to see how different he is next year!