Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Baby Product Review: Swaddleme Blanket

 Like almost every other baby Nolan loves to be swaddled. And, like almost every parent, I could never get those darn hospital blankets tight enough to keep him confined! Those first few nights home were pretty rough because he would break out of my attempt to swaddle him and cry because he was upset so we definitely didn't get very much sleep.

I remember seeing swaddle sacks on Target's website so I decided to look some up on (thanks to swagbucks I get things for free :-p ) and I discovered the Swaddleme Blanket and ordered one immediately!

It has seriously been one of the best baby products I have purchased! It keeps Nolan snug and comfortable all night and is super easy to change his diaper in the middle of the night without have to unswaddle him all the way (the bottom half just unvelcros). Since using it he started giving me longer stretches of sleep during the night, too!

If you have a baby that likes to be swaddled I would highly recommend getting a swaddle sack and making your life so much easier and your baby so happy!

Here's some pictures of the exact ones I've purchased:

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