Monday, July 15, 2013

Nolan- 2 Months

(Because I can't pick which picture I like best, here's 2 :) )

Nolan- 2 Months

Weight: 14 pounds 3 ounces (95%)
Length: 24 inches (85%)
Head circumference: 40.5 cm (50%)

- Still likes to eat :) No sign of slowing down much or being more efficient, it can be anywhere from 20 minutes to 45 minutes each feeding. Only 2 more months until we can start him on foods!
- His Daddy! I thought for sure I would get at least a few months of being the favorite parent since I feed him and am home with him all day but as soon as Daddy gets home Nolan is so excited. When he's being cranky all I have to do is give him to Adam and he's happy again.
- To talk. And smile! He's been a big talker the past few days and I think we're getting close to his first laugh, I can't wait!
- To sit/ stand up. He would much rather be sitting in our laps than laying down and playing.
- His changing pad. I don't know why but that's his favorite place to be! That's where he talks to the most, wiggles around the most, and smiles the most. Makes diaper changes throughout the day more adorable.
- To be outside. If he's cranky I just walk around in the yard with him and it usually makes him stop crying.

- Still doesn't care too much to be buckled into his car seat. He's usually once we get going but buckling him in isn't his favorite.
-There's not a whole lot he doesn't like, he's a pretty easy going baby!

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