Monday, December 9, 2013

Nolan: 7 Months

Weight: 22.2 pounds
Length: ?


  • Bananas. He would eat them all the time if I would let him
  • The Price is Right. We watch it every day together :)
  • Tearing apart him foam playmats and trying to eat them. He's very destructive and strange.
  • The book "Moo Baa Lalala" He would be happy if I read it to him all day
  • Rolling. He rolls all over the place and will often get himself squished into corners
  • Spitting. He's the champion of blowing raspberries and spitting all over your face.
  • Having to be still for diaper changes. 
  • Teething. It makes him a grump!
  • Not being able to crawl. He wants to get toys out of his reach and gets mad he can't move.

That's about it! He's a pretty happy baby and we are very blessed :)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Nolan- 6 months

Weight: 20 pounds 6 ounces (91%)
Length: 27.3 inches (73%)


  • Learned how to roll from back to tummy!
  • Rediscovered how to roll tummy to back (he did it a lot when he was really little then stopped for a while)
  • Got his first 2 bottom teeth!


  • Peek-a-boo. This is still one of his favorite things
  • Looking at his reflection in the mirror
  • Roxy, he thinks every thing she does is the best! I don't think the feeling is reciprocated though. 
  • Blankets. I know he's not supposed to but, he naps with a blanket and gets a small blanket at night, it helps him go to sleep.
  • Diaper changes right before his naps
  • Sitting for long periods, he's rather be held standing up or rolling around

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Wiggle Worm

Normally Nolan will wake up a little bit before I'm ready to get him so I just let him play in his crib for a bit until it's time to get up. Recently he's taken to throwing his legs around which makes him turn in circles in his crib and end up in crazy positions.

This morning I got out of my shower and heard a strange rattling noise coming from his room that I had never heard before. I grabbed the baby monitor and this is what I saw:
Bottom left of the screen is his arm. The camera is pointed towards the middle of his bed where he usually is.

He had managed to wiggle himself sideways and to the very end of his crib and was hitting the end. I looked back a few minutes later and this was my view:
Instead of my baby I got a view of his stuffed giraffe that he flung to the middle of the bed.

As soon as I was ready for him to get up I went into his room to get him and this is what he looked like:
I promise this is not how I put him to bed.

He's my little wiggle worm and constantly keeps me on my toes :) 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Pumpkin Carving

We picked pumpkins and carved them :)

He wasn't too thrilled about picking out pumpkins. It was too close to bedtime.

My hottie hubby and handsome baby <3

Helping Mommy clean out his pumpkin

With his little baby pumpkin

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Nolan: 5 Months

Weight: 19.4 pounds (according to our home scale)
Length: ?

- Peek-a-boo! It's his new favorite game
- His jumparoo, he likes to bounce and jump!
- Being outside
- "Chasing" Roxy around the yard- meaning, Mommy carries Nolan and runs around after the dog.

- Napping, still. On the rare occasion I can get him to nap for an hour but lately it's been 25-30 minutes at most (as I type this he's waking up after a 25 minute nap...)
- Being in his car seat for very long. He likes to move a lot and the constraints of the car seat are not his friend.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Things I've learned by being a Mom.

I realize my little guy is only 4 months old and I still have so much to learn from him but here are some things I've learned already from being a mom.

- Take a lot of pictures during the first couple weeks. You live in a half-awake fog and you will be grateful to have those pictures later

- Taking a shower has magical powers, even a 2 minute shower

- How to take a 2 minute shower

- Babies don't understand "2 more minutes" when you want to finish something you're doing

- Diapering is an art form. I can't even count how many times I've been peed on because I didn't put the diaper on good enough.

- Babies find random things hilarious. 
Dogs panting in your face- hilarious
Taking off your pajamas- hilarious
Hitting your own stomach to hear the "thunk" noise- hilarious
But it's only hilarious exactly 4 times then it's not funny anymore

- You will do anything sometimes to make baby stop crying. You want me to sing "You are my Sunshine" 138645 times? Will do!

- A baby's internal/ nighttime clock is a tricky little devil

- A 20 minute trip to the grocery store by yourself is the best vacation. Ever.

- It's amazing how much that little body can hold inside of it. Poop, pee, drool, how does such a little thing make so much??

Other moms- what else would you add to the list?

Monday, September 9, 2013

Nolan- 4 months

Weight: 17 pounds 10 ounces (88%)
Length: 25.7 inches (73%)

- Our dogs. They make him laugh and he loves watching them.
- Taking off his jammies in the morning. I don't know why but he thinks it's hilarious and our mornings always consist of lots of giggles. I love it!
- Hands. He has a new fascination with our hands. He likes to grab them and hold our fingers and try to eat them.
- Songs. His favorite are "You are my Sunshine" and "If you're happy and you know it"
- Being upside-down. It makes him laugh. It's my favorite :)

- Naps. My good sleeping baby, who used to get 3-4 1 hour naps a day, has started only napping for about 30-40 minutes. It's lame.
- Being still. He's always moving!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

1 Year Later

Dear my sweet Nolan,

Exactly 1 year ago today I found out that you were already growing inside of me. As soon as I saw that positive test my heart start beating faster with excitement, anticipation, and joy! I couldn't wait for your Daddy to get home from work to tell him the good news. As soon as I told him he was so excited! My journey to your birth was fairly easy- minus the morning sickness for the first 12 weeks- but it was all worth it!

The day you were born was one of the happiest days of my life. I couldn't get enough of just staring at your sweet little face and just holding you all day. I also loved watching your Daddy interact with you and help take care of you, he is an amazing man and we are both so blessed to have him.

Now, at 3 months old, you're developing your little personality so much already! You love smiling at Mommy and Daddy, laughing at your doggies, and talk our ears off! I'm looking forward to watching you change and develop even more during the first year of your life.

My dear baby, my life has just improved and been filled with so much more joy now that you're in it. I absolutely love being your Mommy and wouldn't change it for anything.

I love you!


Friday, August 9, 2013

Nolan- 3 Months

Weight: 15.6 pounds (according to our home scale)
Length: ? He moves too much for me to try and get it at home :)

- Talking! This kid will talk your ear off when he has something to say. Most mornings he'll wake up and talk to himself for 30-45 minutes then go back to sleep, it's hilarious!
- His playmats. He's really starting to reach for things and focus on his toys that dangle.
- Chewing on his hands. I'm not sure if teething is starting but he chomps on his fists alllll day long.
- The song "You are my Sunshine". If he's upset and I sing that to him it usually makes it better.

- Getting dressed. He's decided he doesn't like clothes going over his head and cries most mornings when I dress him.
- Getting out of the bath. He loves his bath and splashing and cries every time I take him out.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Baby Product Review: Fisher-Price Discover 'n Grow Kick and Play Piano Gym

Now that Nolan is becoming more active and attentive to toys I'm always looking for fun things for him. I saw this play-mat on sale on and knew it would be a great purchase and boy was I right! He loves it! (Here it is)

He can easily reach the hanging toys to bat them around and he loves to kick his feet so the music and songs are great for him and he loves to stare at himself in the big mirror. I like that it'll grow with him for quite a while. The piano will flip up for when he's able to sit on his own so he can play it with his hands.

Here he is playing:

So if you need a play-mat for your baby or know of a baby who needs a fun gift this is definitely a great purchase!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Nolan- 2 Months

(Because I can't pick which picture I like best, here's 2 :) )

Nolan- 2 Months

Weight: 14 pounds 3 ounces (95%)
Length: 24 inches (85%)
Head circumference: 40.5 cm (50%)

- Still likes to eat :) No sign of slowing down much or being more efficient, it can be anywhere from 20 minutes to 45 minutes each feeding. Only 2 more months until we can start him on foods!
- His Daddy! I thought for sure I would get at least a few months of being the favorite parent since I feed him and am home with him all day but as soon as Daddy gets home Nolan is so excited. When he's being cranky all I have to do is give him to Adam and he's happy again.
- To talk. And smile! He's been a big talker the past few days and I think we're getting close to his first laugh, I can't wait!
- To sit/ stand up. He would much rather be sitting in our laps than laying down and playing.
- His changing pad. I don't know why but that's his favorite place to be! That's where he talks to the most, wiggles around the most, and smiles the most. Makes diaper changes throughout the day more adorable.
- To be outside. If he's cranky I just walk around in the yard with him and it usually makes him stop crying.

- Still doesn't care too much to be buckled into his car seat. He's usually once we get going but buckling him in isn't his favorite.
-There's not a whole lot he doesn't like, he's a pretty easy going baby!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Nolan- 1 Month

Nolan- 1 Month

Weight: 10 pounds 13 ounces (75%)
Length: 22.5 inches (75%)
Head Circumference: 38.8 cm (55%)

-This kid loves to eat! He's gained exactly 3 pounds since birth! When I sit down to nurse him you can guarantee on a minimum of 30 minutes, a few times he's almost nursed for an hour!
-He loves his bouncy seat when he's tired, the only way he will nap in his crib during the afternoon is if I put his seat in there.
-To be up. He's super curious and wants to see the world and everything going on.
-To be swaddled. If he's tired and you swaddle him he's a lot happier.
-Bath time after I'm done washing him. He likes to be in the water as long as I'm not messing with him

- Being in his carseat if he's not moving. He'll cry when you're strapping him in but as soon as you pick up the seat and start moving he's ok.
-Laying down when he's awake. Like stated above, he wants to be held sitting up or up looking over your shoulder so he can see everything.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Baby Product Review: Swaddleme Blanket

 Like almost every other baby Nolan loves to be swaddled. And, like almost every parent, I could never get those darn hospital blankets tight enough to keep him confined! Those first few nights home were pretty rough because he would break out of my attempt to swaddle him and cry because he was upset so we definitely didn't get very much sleep.

I remember seeing swaddle sacks on Target's website so I decided to look some up on (thanks to swagbucks I get things for free :-p ) and I discovered the Swaddleme Blanket and ordered one immediately!

It has seriously been one of the best baby products I have purchased! It keeps Nolan snug and comfortable all night and is super easy to change his diaper in the middle of the night without have to unswaddle him all the way (the bottom half just unvelcros). Since using it he started giving me longer stretches of sleep during the night, too!

If you have a baby that likes to be swaddled I would highly recommend getting a swaddle sack and making your life so much easier and your baby so happy!

Here's some pictures of the exact ones I've purchased:

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Nolan's Birth Story

Warning: There will be details that some may find gross so read at your own risk :)

Monday, May 6th, was my official due date and I went in to the doctor for my 40 week check up. The doctor I saw checked to see if I had made any progress since I hadn't felt any contractions or Braxton-Hicks at all and she said I was 2 cm dilated and 70-80% effaced already! She mentioned that they would talk about inducing if I made it to the next week but she said she would be surprised if I made it to the end of that week. At that point I felt like I would be pregnant forever since I hadn't felt any type of progress at all.

Well, Monday came and went, Tuesday came and went, and Wednesday came and went.... sigh, still pregnant. I went to bed Wednesday night feeling slightly frustrated that nothing was happening, not even a single cramp!

Thursday morning, around 1:30 am, I woke up to a crampy feeling and figured I had just rolled over funny or something. Then I felt another one and wasn't quite buying that it was a contraction so I went to use the bathroom incase that's what it was. Very soon after they started getting more frequent and closer together so I figured that I was definitely in labor and these were contractions. I downloaded a contraction timer app on my phone and started keeping track. The first few were 5-7 minutes apart and it didn't take long for them to become 3 1/2 minutes apart and lasting about 1 minute. I called my doctor at 2:30 to see if I should head to the hospital and she told me to give it another hour. I knew I couldn't last that long so I gave it 30 minutes and I started having really intense contractions that took me to my knees. I woke Adam up around 3 and we grabbed our stuff and headed out the door.

By the time I was admitted and checked into triage it was around 3:45 and I was in so much pain. The nurse checked my progress and said I was already 5 cm and she said I had a "bulging" water bag. I asked for an epidural at that point and was told it would probably be about an hour until they could get to me since they still had to get me in a room and get someone to me. Thankfully it was only about 45 minutes and the nurse I had was fantastic at getting me through the contractions until the epidural kicked in. The doctor on call came in to check my progress at that time, was told about my water bag, and as soon as she checked my cervix my water bag exploded all over her. It was so nasty and kind of funny at the same time. They were concerned because there was meconium present and they were worried about Nolan swallowing some of it when he came out so, they had special care set up in the room to check him out. I had progressed to 10cm right at shift change and my new nurse had me start trying to push just to see what I could do and where Nolan was at. I pushed for about 3 hours and the doctor said I was starting to tear a little and asked if I wanted an episiotomy and I really didn't so I asked him if we could go through a few more contractions and see how it goes then talk again and he agreed. Apparently that was the motivation I needed because 2 or 3 contractions later, after 10 1/2 hours of labor and 3 1/2 hours of pushing, Nolan Ruger Dietz was born at 11:47 am! He weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces and was 21 1/4 inches long with a bunch of dark hair.


First time I held him

First time Adam held him

Family picture :)

Congrats if you read that all :) Overall it was a quite the experience and I'm so excited to have my sweet boy!

Monday, May 6, 2013

40 Weeks

How far along? 40 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +30 

Maternity clothes?. Yes, they're the only thing that fit me anymore.

Stretch marks? Nope- fingers crossed they stay away, I feel like I probably won't be as lucky with our next baby :)

Sleep: It's been ok. I wake up super sore a lot now.

Best moment this week: Officially finished setting everything up in the nursery. Sheets are on the crib, swing is put together, and everything is organized. Just waiting on the baby!

Miss Anything? Feeling normal haha My belly is totally in the way now!

Movement: Yes! He's a mover and a shaker :)

Food cravings:  My favorite no-bake cookies I made the other day

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope. 

Have you started to show yet: Yup, definitely have a big baby belly now!

Gender: Baby Boy! Nolan Ruger Dietz

Labor Signs: Nothing, not even Braxton-hicks.  

Belly Button in or out? Out! Adam's hoping it goes back in after the baby comes haha

Wedding rings on or off? On- still fit like normal

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. Getting very excited and also nervous that it's getting so close!

Size of Baby: According to my pregnancy app baby is about 20 inches long and weighs about 7.5 pounds. Not sure how accurate it is but we will find out soon enough! I feel like he'll weigh quite a bit more than 7.5 pounds.

Looking forward to: Meeting my little boy! 

Monday, April 29, 2013

39 Weeks

How far along? 39 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +28, only gained 1 pound this week. 

Maternity clothes?. Yes, they're the only thing that fit me anymore.

Stretch marks? Nope- fingers crossed they stay away, I feel like I probably won't be as lucky with our next baby :)

Sleep: It's been ok. I wake up super sore a lot now.

Best moment this week: Even though I don't know an exact day I can now say things like, "In 3 weeks there will definitely be a baby" It's very exciting. 

Miss Anything? Feeling normal haha My belly is totally in the way now!

Movement: Yes! He's a mover and a shaker :)

Food cravings:  Bananas and the box of Krispe Kreme doughnuts sitting on my counter!

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope. 

Have you started to show yet: Yup, definitely have a big baby belly now!

Gender: Baby Boy! Nolan Ruger Dietz

Labor Signs: Nothing, not even Braxton-hicks. I have a feeling I'll end up needing to be induced. 

Belly Button in or out? Out! Adam's hoping it goes back in after the baby comes haha

Wedding rings on or off? On- still fit like normal

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. Getting very excited and also nervous that it's getting so close!

Size of Baby: According to my pregnancy app baby is about 20 inches long and weighs about 7.25 pounds. Not sure how accurate it is but we will find out soon enough!

Looking forward to: Meeting my little boy! 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Harris Teeter AND Lowe's Food coupon savings!

This week both Harris Teeter and Lowe's Food decided to do coupon promotions! I figured this will probably be my last time getting planning to get up early to go shopping (unless Nolan is awake then I may go with him :) ) so I got together all my coupons, got my lists made, and headed out!

Harris Teeter did their Triple Coupon event where they tripled all coupons .99 and under. Here's what I got!

  • All the Sister Schubert bread products were on sale B1G1 free making them $2.15 each and I had a .75 coupon which triples up to the price making them all free!
  • The Pop chips were on sale for $1 and I had a .55 coupon making them free
  • The small bottle of coke was free after a .99 coupon
  • 1 box of Texas Toast was on clearance for $1.89 and with my .40 coupon it was only $.69
  • The other box of TT was $2.99 and after .40 coupon was $1.79
  • I paid $1.80 for all 6 yogurts
  • Skintimate shave gel was on sale for $2.50, after a .55 coupon it was $.85 each
  • Gillette shave gel was $3.19, after .55 coupon they were $1.54 each
  • Nutri-Grain crunch bars were on sale for $2.50, after .70 coupon they were $.40 each
  • Baby wipes were $2.50, after .50 coupon they were $1 each
  • Toilet Paper was $2.99, after .45 coupon they were $1.64 each
Total I spent was $16.41 and I saved $54.19!

Lowe's Food was running their Super Double promotion where they doubled all coupons $2 and under
Here's what I got at Lowe's Food

  • Edy's Fruit bars were $3 each, after $1 coupon they were $1 each
  • Baked Delights dog treats were $3.99, after $1.50 coupon they were $.99 each
  • Kraft Fresh Take were $2.50, after $1 coupon they were $.50 each
  • Smart Balance butter sticks were $2.69, after $1 coupon they were $.69 each
Total I spent was $6.91 and I saved $23.16!

My 2 totals together were $23.32 spent and $77.35 saved! That's just over a 75% savings!

Monday, April 22, 2013

38 Weeks

How far along? 38 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +27 (Apparently the doctor's office had a different starting weight for me than I thought and I did lose about a pound this past week)

Maternity clothes?. Yes, they're the only thing that fit me anymore.

Stretch marks? Nope- fingers crossed they stay away, I feel like I probably won't be as lucky with our next baby :)

Sleep: It's been ok. I wake up super sore a lot now.

Best moment this week: Probably realizing it's so close now and I can't wait to meet my little boy! I want to know what he looks like :) And getting his room almost 100% done, just have to set up his bedding in the crib and we'll be good to go!

Miss Anything? Feeling normal haha My belly is totally in the way now!

Movement: Yes! He's a mover and a shaker :)

Food cravings:  Bananas and candy- any kind!

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope. 

Have you started to show yet: Yup, definitely have a big baby belly now!

Gender: Baby Boy! Nolan Ruger Dietz

Labor Signs: Nope- they could start at any time now. He's officially full-term and safe to make his arrival whenever he wants!

Belly Button in or out? Out! Adam's hoping it goes back in after the baby comes haha

Wedding rings on or off? On- still fit like normal

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. Getting very excited and also nervous that it's getting so close!

Size of Baby: According to my pregnancy app baby is about 19.75 inches long and weighs about 6.8 pounds. Not sure how accurate it is but we will find out soon enough!

Looking forward to: Meeting my little boy! 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

37 Weeks

How far along? 37 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +30 (Not too happy that I gained 3 pounds in a week! Holy cow!)
Maternity clothes?. Yes, they're the only thing that fit me anymore.

Stretch marks? Nope- fingers crossed they stay away.

Sleep: Pretty good most of the time. I've had a few nights of waking up at 4 and not being able to back to sleep for hours. Guess my body is just preparing me for what's t come.

Best moment this week: Probably realizing it's so close now and I can't wait to meet my little boy! I want to know what he looks like :)

Miss Anything? Feeling normal haha My belly is totally in the way now!

Movement: Yes! He's a mover and a shaker :)

Food cravings:  Bananas and candy- any kind!

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope. 

Have you started to show yet: Yup, definitely have a big baby belly now!

Gender: Baby Boy! Nolan Ruger Dietz

Labor Signs: Nope- they could start at any time now. He's officially full-term and safe to make his arrival whenever he wants!

Belly Button in or out? Out! Unless I lay down on my back, then it goes back in. So strange.

Wedding rings on or off? On- still fit like normal

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. Getting very excited and also nervous that it's getting so close!

Size of Baby: According to my pregnancy app baby is about 19.25 inches long and weighs about 6.3 pounds. Not sure how accurate it is but we will find out soon enough!

Looking forward to: Meeting my little boy! And, finishing up all my little last minute things. Need to pick up a couple more things for my hospital bag and finish organizing his room and I'll be all set!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

36 Weeks

How far along? 36 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +27

Maternity clothes?. Yes, they're the only thing that fit me anymore.

Stretch marks? Nope- fingers crossed they stay away.

Sleep: Pretty good most of the time.

Best moment this week: Probably realizing it's so close now and I can't wait to meet my little boy! I want to know what he looks like :)

Miss Anything? Feeling normal haha My belly is totally in the way now!

Movement: Yes! He's a mover and a shaker :)

Food cravings:  Bananas and candy- any kind!

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope. 

Have you started to show yet: Yup, definitely have a big baby belly now!

Gender: Baby Boy! Nolan Ruger Dietz

Labor Signs: Nope- needs to wait until after this saturday, Adam and I are going to the hockey game haha!

Belly Button in or out? Out! Unless I lay down on my back, then it goes back in. So strange.

Wedding rings on or off? On- still fit like normal

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. Getting very excited and also nervous that it's getting so close!

Size of Baby: According to my pregnancy app baby is about 18.75 inches long and weighs about 5.75 pounds. Not sure how accurate it is but we will find out soon enough!

Looking forward to: Getting everything washed and set up and getting his room organized. Trying to get the majority of it done this week just in case!

Monday, March 25, 2013

34 Weeks

How far along? 34 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +26, gained 3 since my last appointment, made up for last time when I only gained 1

Maternity clothes?. Yes.

Stretch marks? Nope- fingers crossed they stay away.

Sleep: Pretty good most of the time.

Best moment this week: Getting the mural done in the nursery! It's so amazing and I can't wait to finish all the last minute decorations.

Miss Anything? Being able to bend over and put on my shoes haha! It needs to warm up so I can just wear flip-flops

Movement: Yes! He's a mover and a shaker :)

Food cravings:  Rice Krispe Treats, Twizzlers, or bananas

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope. 

Have you started to show yet: Yup, definitely showing a baby bump now!

Gender: Baby Boy! Nolan Ruger Dietz

Labor Signs: Nope- needs to wait at least 3 more weeks at the minimum!

Belly Button in or out? Out! Unless I lay down on my back, then it goes back in. So strange.

Wedding rings on or off? On- still fit like normal

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. Getting very excited and also nervous that it's getting so close!

Size of Baby: According to my pregnancy app baby is about 17.75 inches long and weighs about 4.75 pounds. Not sure how accurate it is but we will find out soon enough!

Looking forward to: Getting all the last minute things we need and washing everything and getting it set up.

Monday, March 11, 2013

32 Weeks

How far along? 32 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +23 Surprised I've only gained 1 pound since my last appointment, I have not been shy about eating recently haha.

Maternity clothes?. Yes.

Stretch marks? Nope- fingers crossed they stay away.

Sleep: Pretty good most of the time.

Best moment this week: My doctor laughing at my appointment today when she went to feel the baby and there was a hand or foot right where she first pushed down and it took her by surprise. He's pretty easy to poke and prod from the outside :) 

Miss Anything? Wearing my regular clothes. I'm pretty limited on what fits me now and I miss wearing some of my clothes. I'm also getting closer to being able to have my ham sandwich! 

Movement: Yes! He's a mover and a shaker :)

Food cravings:  Rice Krispe Treats, Twizzlers, or bananas

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope. Hopefully it doesn't come back like some people get in the 3rd trimester.

Have you started to show yet: Yup, definitely showing a baby bump now!

Gender: Baby Boy! Nolan Ruger Dietz

Labor Signs: Nope- needs to wait at least 5 more weeks at the minimum!

Belly Button in or out? Out! Unless I lay down on my back, then it goes back in. So strange.

Wedding rings on or off? On- still fit like normal

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. Getting very excited and also nervous that it's getting so close!

Size of Baby: According to my pregnancy app baby is about 16.7 inches long and weighs about 3.75 pounds.

Looking forward to: My baby shower this weekend! I'm ready to have everything and get it washed and put away and get everything set up in the nursery!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Harris Teeter Super Double savings!

Yes, Harris Teeter did another Super Double promotion just 2 weeks after their last one! Crazy!

Here's my loot:

  • 2 Hormel Compleats meals- $1 each
  • 1 Frebreeze Set and Refresh- Free
  • 2 Clear Care contact Solution- $5.99 each (good deal for those)
  • 2 McCormick cinnamons- $.19 each
  • 2 Finish Powerball Tabs- $1.49 each
  • 1 Venus Razor 3pk- $1.49
  • 2 SunBird seasonings- Free
  • 2 Herbal Essences conditioners- Free
  • 1 Garnier Fructise conditioner- $.85
  • 2 Twizzler Bites bags- $.79 for both

My total out of pocket was $22.33 and after coupons and in store savings I saved $60.86!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

House Numbers Craft

Since Adam bought our house we have had no house numbers. We have some itty bitty ones on our mailbox but they're hard to see and since our mailbox was smashed a couple months ago they've started to peel off some.

It's a pain to have to explain to people who've never been here before how to find our house so, I wanted to make something that would be easy to see and could help people find our house easier.

I went to Michael's and got a long "plaque" type board and the numbers for our house.

I painted the plaque board black, then I painted the numbers white.

After they were both dry I hot glued the numbers onto the plaque.

The plaque board came with hooks already attached to the back so I'm hoping it'll be easy to hang up right by the front door.